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Zhongshan City Bellers Daily Products Co.,Ltd

聯(lián)系人:賈經(jīng)理     手機:18925366398     地址:廣東省中山市西區崇章路10號1棟
主營(yíng): 嬰童用品 床護欄 童車(chē)

Established in February 2014, Zhongshan City Bellers Daily Products Co., Ltd, is located in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China, the hometown of Sun Yat-sen. It has an area of 3,000 square meters and more than 60 employees. 
The general manager, Mr. Song, has more than 28 years of experience in operation and management of the baby products industry. The company also has a number of professional talents, all with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. They are respectively responsible for the product design and development, quality control, manufacturing, administration, marketing, etc.
At the beginning of its establishment, the company has introduced the ISO9001:2008 international quality management system, which makes its management more scientific and standardized.
The company's workshop is clean and comfortable. With two automatic production lines, it is also equipped with various inspection and testing equipment, such as tension meter, horizontal parity check platform, product durability testing machine, etc. The annual output of playpens, cribs, booster seats, bed guardrails, safety gates and strollers is more than 600,000.

【 6 年 VIP認證會(huì )員 】
There are some key features you need to know when you're looking for a portable playpen for your baby.
2020/4/21 3:44:17  ?   795
Some questions the customers are frequently asked about our playpen are as follows:
2020/3/20 2:46:52  ?   987
When choose a booster seat, it's important to consider some factors and choose the one that best fits your needs.
2020/3/20 2:45:57  ?   912
Bellers Attends the 19th CBME in Shanghai
2020/3/19 10:15:04  ?   884
The annual increase of new born population and the change of the post-1980s parents' concept, have become the main driving force for the market development of infant and child products.
2020/3/19 10:11:36  ?   893
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